Good Bean

In a time of existence where all around we are hyper inundated with news reports of crime, war, and seemingly endless despair.  Where so many push their agendas through the main lines of terror reporting, designed to overwhelm and subjugate opposition.  When everything around appears to be designed specifically to devide and anything good has to be tempered with all that is truly bad….  Chat Noir would like to offer it’s tiny piece of sanctuary.

In Good Bean Chat Noir intends to spotlight just a sliver of all the amazing things that are happening surprisingly often in a shockingly large number of places.  Obviously, we all are cogniscent of the wrongs so here, Chat Noir hopes to share all that is wright, and to offer an alternate view of how good things really can be and actually ARE!  It’s easy to forget that past the foggy haze of anger and hate is actually a pretty fucking amazingly beautiful place and we all are living there right now!

This page provides updates on the good things that people are doing to make our world a better place because we know that it’s hard to find in popular media that is controlled and directed by the government. So here are some things we think are important to share and celebrate:


Morocco is building a mega solar plant that will power half the population!

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America Has More Trees Now Than It Had a Century Ago

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Vancouver Bans the Use of Dolphins and Whales in Aquariums

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Hawaii is Now Home to an Ocean Preserve Twice the size of Texas

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Antarctic ozone hole is shrinking, scientists say

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